The 25 copy pack for classes includes a complementary guest-talk from Adam to the class as they are reading Under Think It during the semester. Looking for a number of copies not shown here: email for more information.

Mark Pollard


Mark Pollard, Sweatheat, Mighty Jungle

“I totally dig Under Think It. Practical, true, easy to get your arms around. Bravo!”

Jay Baer

Jay Baer
Shane O'Leary

“I love this as a reminder to not fall into the trap of overthinking and clouding our points in business speak and bullshit!”

Shane O’Leary, GroupM

strategy marketing book

Under Think It – A Marketing Strategy Guidebook for Everyone – by Adam Pierno

Strategy is just full of five syllable nonsense words. Shouldn’t it be the beating heart of an ad agency or marketing team? But it can’t be if no one understands it.

So much work pumps through the team that there’s little time for training. Plus, people on the inside have been making it overly complicated for years. For those trying to break into strategy or improve at the craft, (and it is a craft) there’s no way to learn – besides getting thrown in the fire or flailing on piddly starter assignments.

Finally, someone has put together a comprehensive set of tools for planners and strategists that won’t bore you to sleep. The book has been read and recognized around the world for Pierno’s simple and straightforward message – stop making it so complicated. Get back to basics and don’t over think it.


The book draws on these other great writings on strategy and thinking. Go read them.

Ariely, Dan. Predictably Irrational HarperCollins Publishers, 2009

Barden, Phil. Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy Wiley, 2013

Gossage, Howard; Goodby, Jeff. The Book of Gossage Copy Workshop, 2006

John, Leslie K.; Mochon, Daniel; Emrich, Oliver; Schwartz, Janet. “What’s the Value of a Like?” Harvard Business Review 2017

Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking Fast & Slow Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011

Maslow, Abraham H. Toward a Psychology of Being Wiley, 1962

McNish, Jacquie; Silcoff, Sean. Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind The Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry Flatiron 2015

Neumeier, Marty. Zag: The Number One Strategy of High-Performance Brands New Riders, 2006

Porter, Michael. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors Free Press, 1979

Sullivan, Luke. Hey Whipple! Squeeze This Wiley, 2016 (5th Printing)

Yakob, Faris. Paid Attention Kogan Page, 2015

Under Think It cover and design by Samuel Ybarra

©2021 Adam Pierno