The Strategy Inside Everything podcast
Insightful conversation and thinking
In each episode, Adam discusses events in pop-culture, business, fiction, sports – even politics to uncover the strategy behind the action. Adam speaks with founders, authors, makers, journalists, professors, CEOs, marketers and yes – strategists about the
things they love and what they know that others don’t.

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Be my guest
Know or represent someone who would make a great guest on The Strategy Inside Everything? We want to meet them – just answer a few quick questions and we’ll get going.
Partial guest list:
Ana Andjelic, Jack Appleby, Jay Baer, Alex Berger, Shann Biglione, Jasmine Bina, John Burke, Professor David Carroll, Julian Cole, Melanie Deziel, Aaron Dignan, Nir Eyal, Tom Goodwin, Kevin Holesh, Mike Jones, Gareth Kay, Brad Kim, Kit Krugman, Darian LaBeach, Tim Leake, Taylor Lorenz, David Matathia, Rachel Mercer, Ana Milicevic, Mike Monello, Tom Morton, Angela Natividad, Grant Owens, Shannon Pfeffer, Mark Pollard, Eaon Pritchard, Ben Rock, Kevin Rothermel, Ian Schafer, Rob Schwartz, Richard Shotton, Adam Singer, Ian Sohn, Frank Speiser, Keith Stoekeler, Eric S. Thomas, Willem Van de Horst, Hallie Wright
Want to know how to be a great guest on this or any podcast? Check out this quick guide I’ve created based on my years as a host and guest on dozens of other great shows.